I am one of the TESL students in UPM. I am in semester four and have been in UPM for I year. For this semester, I have been asked to create my own blog which I have never done before. This is my first time in doing this kind of educated stuff. It makes me learn something new. This all because of Dr. Edwin who teach me literature. He has made her learning process more interesting and makes the students more creative. As for last semester, we have been asked to involve in a e-forum which have made us more creative in criticise literature work. At first, I am not interested in literature, but Dr. Edwin has made it interesting and creates my interest in it. I am really glad that I am one of his students and he knows how to tackle his students in learning literature.
the angostura
an angostura is a skin of tree that can be found in America.it has a very pleasant smell that can attract anybody. however the taste is very bitter. as for me, i'm a sweet person but full of mysterious.
See, you do really have a problem as me. We are not so very into the 'literary' stuff...In other words, literature is not a thing that can really grab our attention in an eye blink. However, there is no harm trying to let yourself get acquainted with it. I do agree with you that a lecturer does play a vital role to help their students focus as well as have interest in their lesson. So at the end of the day, this course will bring us loads of benefits.
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